This is the perfect time of year for me to talk about movies.  As soon as Halloween is over I pull out my stash of Christmas movies.  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching the movies.  They are all part of the memories. We start watching Christmas movies on November 1st because I want to be able to watch every one of the Christmas movies I own at least twice by New Years. I try to acquire at least one new Christmas movie every year. I also have, over the past couple of years, come to love Netflix for Christmas shows ... there I can find Christmas movies that  have a message and some meaning just the way I like them.  These are movies that I can't usually find anywhere else.  I will pick one of the movies that has become a favorite from Netflix and purchase it at the end of the season to add to my personal home collection.  I also love Hallmark Channel Movies at Christmas time, but since I don't actually have the Hallmark Channel I have to search out older ones then add to my collection too.  This is just a very small sampling of the type of movies I have in my collection.

I love all the children's classic Christmas movies:  Rudolph, Frosty, Jack Frost, Santa Clause is Coming to Town, The Night Before Christmas (The Rankin/Bass Collection), The Grinch, Charlie Brown, Winnie the Pooh, Alvin and the Chipmunks and Newer Children's Christmas shows like Barney's Night Before Christmas and Barney's Christmas Star, Arthur's Perfect Christmas, Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas and Twice Upon a Christmas and Eloise at Christmas Time.   Newer classics and re-makes: All 3 of Disney's "The Santa Clause" movies, Miracle on 34th Street, Home Alone, Christmas Vacation, Christmas with the Kranks, and  A Christmas Story.  Even Scooby Doo, Bob the Builder, and the Veggie Tales have their own Christmas shows...  And yes, I have been and will be watching them all. And last but not least It's a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol.

I know this isn't a complete list of everyone's all time favorite Christmas movies...  I could go on and on about Christmas movies old and new that add to the spirit of the Season for me..  But I think this more that gets across my main point which is..  Movies and Media affect, influence and can enhance our lives and help us make great family memories.

So with my preface about Christmas movies I want to share a little story and one more movie with my friends and family.   This is not a Christmas movie But it meets all my personal criteria for what makes a great movie.  It's family friendly, has a message that uplifts, gives hope, and is more than just entertainment (although it must be entertaining)  it enhances life and makes me better for having watched it.
This is a movie that has personal significance for me because the idea, the story, and the producing of this movie involved my brother.

About a year and a half ago he called me one night to tell me that he was making a movie and wanted to involve my older kids in the movie as "extras".  He had approached a Utah Based movie company Sunworld Pictures (Check out their website -- to see what other movies they have made) who have made a number of other great movies that I had enjoyed and was familiar with.   He worked with them in the role of  Executive Producer and has recently released an amazing movie with a timely message for all of us in our Social/Digital Media world.  The movie is called "Nowhere Safe"  IMBD link.  It's the story of a girl who has her life basically sabotaged when some other teen girls create a social media profile and pretend to be her... That's just the beginning.  It's a movie that everyone should see. It depicts the power of the internet and the power of friendship. It's wholesome family entertainment with a message that uplifts and strengthens.  It premiered back in October on the UP TV network.  This past week it was released on DVD and Blue-Ray.  It's available at Amazon and itunes among other places around the web and in some bookstores like Deseret Book

Here's the Trailer

youtube link

It was a great opportunity for my 3 oldest kids and a number of their friends to be involved in the movie.  It's amazing to me that my brother came up with an idea for a story that, with the help of others in the movie making industry, became such a great movie.  I'm really proud of him and the work, time, money and effort that went into this project.  His goal is to "Elevate Media" in the world and give our society more media that uplifts rather than tears down. "Nowhere Safe" has been endorsed by The Dove Foundation .  When it was Premiered in Salt Lake City last spring The Deseret News ran two really great articles and reviews about it.

Review by Aaron Christensen

Review by Richard and Linda Eyre

I invite you to locate and watch this wonderful movie.  You will be glad you did.  It's a movie with a message and everyone who ever was or ever will be a teenager or the parent of a teenager (ok everyone) should see this movie.  I'm glad to add my own endorsement to the many others who have given the movie "Nowhere Safe" wonderful reviews.   SEE IT!!  Then I would love to know what you thought.

Happy Movie Viewing.  I really do love great movies, so if anyone out there has some other suggestions for my collection. I would love to hear about it.


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